I have been looking some through some of my old poetry that I have written. I will be posting more over the next month or so.
I want to live my life as I did before
I still wait for you to walk through the door
And hear your footsteps on the floor above
Take me away, take me far away
Take me to a place that is familiar
My life fades from grey to black in this technicolor dream
Its hard to see the light when its so dark
Bring my life back, bring it back
I walk away but only to look back
To see if you’re there but you are a shadow in my mind
It hurts inside to know you’re away, away from me
A memory Is all I have of what you used to be
I look over the horizon and know that times are different
With each new day, I will have to face things I am not ready to face
It is true what I dream to be a reality, a fleeting moment that flashes in my mind
I look at pictures and I wish it were you
Is there a way to bring it all back, only to have it happen again
This is my selfish desire breaking its way through
But it is you who has gained, me that has lost
Lost in a world without you, a cold desolate place this world can be
I know where to find refuge but it takes time to heal a wound
A wound so deep that only you can touch
Shades of Beauty:
You have shades of beauty I have never seen
I look into your eyes and see something beautiful
it is like a sunset silhouetted against the evening sky
that can not even compare to the beauty that you hold
theseĀ shades of beauty can only be seen in you
These shades of beauty that you have is among your heart as well
your skin is like the petals of a rose
your shades of beauty I will never forget
I will always hold them with me at a special place
This sacrifice is never good enough
Where do I run and hide to feed the rush
I can see you even when I shut my eyes
Lives flash by unable to bring me down
My life shattered from the pain
You broke me open to share it all
I shy away from the truth I have known
Lies thrown around to make me look bad
Hearts shattered from a life not ready to live
Eyes broken like glass from thoughts perceived
Why can’t I hear when people speak
I feel like I can’t move with all this room
Why do I feel closed up
With no place to feel
My life is open for all to see
There are times when I should
Wear my heart on my sleeve
I’m scared to be known by all of you
Tell my why I should prove anything to you
What have you done to earn a place in my life
Did I ask you do care so much
Bout the life I lead

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