Want to know something about La Ceiba?? There is not much to do here outside of going to the mall, the beach and the mountains. Which all sound great… well except for the mall… but there is not much variety here. I almost forgot there is studying but one can only take so much of that!! So desperate times cause for desperate measures and I introduced the girls to light painting, which uses a long exposure to capture whatever you write with a source of light. Using a LED light will give you a cooler effect and if you’re in a pinch you can use your iphone flashlight app to add some color to your art.
Found this video online and I hope my light painting skills will be this good one day… amazing!!
This has nothing to do with light painting but it does have something to do with one of my favorite things in the world… jello!! I don’t even care that jello is made from horse hooves it is ever so delicious… I miss you jello and can not wait to be reunited!!

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