Here are some of my favorite blog posts from 2010!
First memorable moments of 2010 was going to Honduras on a mission trip. Read blog posts below.
I wrote some blog posts about my Dad this year. Writing is a way for me to vent and is a form of recovery for me.
My friend Eric Silz had a dream of starting a Adventure Group. Well his dream became a reality because we started a group and went on some great trips.
- 100 Mile Bike Trip
- 100 Mile Bike Trip Part Two
- Adventure Journal: Red River Gorge Trip
- Adventure Journal: Red River Gorge Trip Round Two
- Adventure Journal: Backpacking Lake Vesuvius
I have been learning about survival and in the process wrote some blog posts on what I learned.
- Modern Survivalism
- Modern Survivalism Part Two
- Making the Most of Your Summer
- Skills Every Man Should Learn and Master
I lost 30 pounds this year and I am still on track to lost the remaining of my weight!
I shot my first photo shoot this year! I actually did two and they turned out really well.
Well that sums up 2010 for me. Hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year!
What is on the Horizon for 2011??
- I will be going to Honduras for six weeks to learn Spanish at a immersion school!
- Continue to develop my blog and roll out the rest of the new design. Also continue to add content to my poetry page.
- Start school when I get back from Honduras.
- Lose the rest of my weight.
- Continue to save my money and get my finances in order.
- Go on more adventure trips!

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