Welcome to a new weekly post titled Among the blogosphere. What is a blogosphere you ask? It is a collection of blogs I read throughout the week and the posts I find interesting I will post here… every friday. I will breakdown what I read into different categories. Some of these will change from week to week but some of the topics I read about are technology, lifestyle, entrepreneurship and fitness/health.
If you’re a geek you will love this blog/tech show. Revision3 features them so you know they are on top of their game.
If you’re not reading Marc and Angel Hack Life you should start… now. They offer practical tips for productive living.
30 Ways to Make Today a Good Day
7 Zen Habits of Highly Efficient Minds
10 Surefire Ways to Live Below Your Full Potential
One of my goals in life is to be an entrepreneur. I admire the people who go against the grain and end up doing something amazing.
Why Every Entrepreneur Should Write and 9 Tips to Get Started
14 Reason Why You Need to Start A Startup
Health and Fitness
Getting in shape has been a goal of mine and this past year I have made some big strides in my overall health. Read this blog post titled How I lost 30 Pounds and get started on your weight loss goal.
The Simplest Diet For Lean Fitness
Eat Like Leo: The First Steps to a Healthier Diet.

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