As most of you know the new and highly anticipated Pirates of the Caribbean is out this weekend. So, I thought there is no better time to compile a list of my favorite pirate movies. Enjoy!
5. The Count of Monte Cristo
I love this film… all the components of a great film are here. Love, adventure, action and betrayal. If you are a book worm, Alexander Dumas wrote The Count of Monte Cristo and I would be forever grateful if you bought it using this link—> The Count of Monte Cristo.
4. Hook
If you ever loose touch with the kid that is inside you, watch this. Trust me your inner child will be glad you did.
3. Pirates of the Caribbean… all of them
I will just go ahead and group all of these films in one heading. I would not say I love every one of these movies… but this list would be incomplete if they were not here…. and they are extremely entertaining.
2. The Princess Bride
This movie is a classic… If you have not seen this movie go pop your favorite brand of microwave popcorn and cuddle up with that special someone… you will not regret this decision.
1. The Goonies
Goonies never say die! This movie is for every boy who grew up building forts in the woods and dreamt at night of being a treasure hunter. For me, this movie brings me back to those days.

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