Our host family in Honduras connected us with a school that needed money for construction materials to build an add-on to an existing class room. After our first visit, we realized just how much they needed this room. There were three small classrooms and multiple grades met in each one. The teacher also taught multiple grades at once. The kids were adorable and we immediately fell in love with the kids and wanted to help the school out.
This is the sign outside of the school.
This is the classroom that will be made into a bigger room to hold more kids.
This is the first out of three classrooms at the school.
This is the middle classroom.
The desks that the kids use…
This is the place we originally had a great deal worked out to get cement bricks. But the owner was shot and that deal fell through.
This is where we ended up getting our brick from… we went to three places before we worked out a good deal.
This is the area where the room addition will be.
The kids were fascinated with us… we felt like rock stars when we went there.
The kids loved to have their picture taken.
It is nice to know that “bunny ears” is cross cultural.
The emotions I captured of these kids was heart wrenching and beautiful at the same time. Heart wrenching because on some of the kids faces you can see their raw emotion written all over their face. Beautiful cause we were there spending time together and sharing our love with them.
This is one my favorite kids I met at the school. She is so cute… I wish I could have taken her home with me.
When I see the emotion on her face I wish I knew what she feeling…
He had the fanciest hair of the bunch… he was so worried about his hair being messed up. If a hair was out-of-place he would definitely know…
Stay tuned for round two of this post. I will post a video of the kids singing us a song and write about how an old hobby of mine was rekindled while I was spending time with the kids!

Gorgeous and captivating shots!
thank you!